Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Aku baru tahu semalam pasal perkara ni.

dan aku rasa benda ni bagus, sebab,

- Menunjukkan poster yang aku buat ada impact nya towards certain people, walaupun dalam bentuk parody.

- Menunjukkan intent aku untuk apply advert copywriting skill yang telah aku belajar time sem 4 agak berjaya.

- Menunjukkan bahawa poster aku berjaya menarik 'golongan-golongan kreatif' untuk mereka jadikan bahan promosi mereka.

tapi aku hairan,

kenapa parody? apakah 'golongan kreatif' ini sudah tiada idea?

tapi aku tak kisah pun, sebab koordinator and advisor kami selalu kata,

"We need to keep a good relationship with other course and everyone"
ps: kalau kamu semua tak tahu aku cakap pasal apa, bagus!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

God Loves Her More.

Al Fatihah.

to Allahyarhamah Ade Ellis Kurnia Prasanti@Putri.

You never know what will be happen to you next, God knows. Appreciate your life, take everyday as a gift from god and love those who loves you.

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat kepada rohnya. Amin.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Aku Suka Main-Main Kalau Kene Tag 3

I've Been Tagged by Danny.When it comes to food, this is on the top list.

Next on the list are 'masakan-mak-aku-yang-sedap-gilerh' but no picture were taken on it yet. :S