Sunday, February 07, 2010

Respect the Passion.

Lect : jadi apa yang mendorong kamu untuk ambil course ini?

Manusia x : Entah, result SPM bukan bagus sangat pun, dan course ini nampak mudah dan orang kata tak banyak kerja pun, jadi saya ambil lah.

Honesty is a good thing,

but telling this kind of honest thing in front of the class is not what you call, a good thing to do.

Dear Manusia X, 

When you state that thought of yours, it is not only you have stated that you are the kind of guy who doesn't have any targets or ambition in your life but you are also offending people who are taking the course too. I feel offended, I don't know about the rest of the class, but I DO feel offended. Man, I do really know that you didn't have the passion to learn almost anything, but you don't need to channel your thoughts to other people-lah. I have passion, and I take this course as a platform for me to learn almost everything that I wanted to achieve my ambition. Well, although there are some subject that I found like "kenapa aku belajar menda ni?" but still, 

some thoughts are meant to be kept inside your head.
I hope you will find your way back, I'm sure that once upon a time on your earlier life, you too have your own passion and ambition to strive for.


hans said...

entry aku pasal benda nih pun ada aku post kelmarin yang tajuk dia TUNJUKKAN PANDANGAN PERTAMA YANG TERBAIK tu...

itu pandangan aku jer lah...
aku malas nak specific kan...
sebenarnya aku tahu dia cuba berlaku jujur tetapi dia teramat lurus meluahkan kejujuran

kadang2 benda yg dia kata pun xboleh pakai juga...
nak kata yang masuk masscom nih tak pandai...
aku mengaku aku pun tak pandai tapi aku bukanlah terlampau bodoh
spm aku pun bukan teruk sangat dan tak bagus mana pun...

tapi macam kau, aku sangat2 terasa sebenarnya...aku kesian dekat dia sebenarnya sebab sekeras2 hati aku..aku tak mampu nak tgok orang buat dekat dia macam tu...

tapi, makin aku kesian makin macam2 plak perkara yang buat aku rasa semakin menyampah dengan dia...

so,kesimpulannya dia dah sedar ramai orang menyampah dengan dia so dia sendirilah kena cari cara macam mana nak pulihkan hal tu....

itu pemerhatian akulah....nantikan lepas nih apa plak kejutan yang bakal dia lakukan

p/s : sorry panjang plak komen aku tapi sebenarnya aku tak sangka benda yang dia cakap tu keluar pada pagi tu...

Pana Sensei said...

mase kat class tu, ade tak org ckp die amek masscom sbb nak jadik popular mcm artis?

Encik Luzzi said...

tak pernah dengar lagi.

Anonymous said...

betul3x.. upin ipin...
salam ziarah ya..

Anonymous said...

seriously x suke that person! +_+