Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hakka dah semakin bosan lately.


Aliya Azmi said...

ye betol. hari tu diorang buat hakka kat blok M. aku tengah melintas kat tasik pun tak timbul keinginan untuk singgah melihat..


Jazli Safwan said...

dah di eskot..mestilah bosan..

Ais Kepal said...

tau takpe..

Encik Luzzi said...

itula yg trjadi kalau semuanya nk kene berprotokol.

akiss. said...

err. pacik pakai helmet? tak join hakka ka?

DicKiE aDaMs said...

bongkai tetap jd maskot hakka kan?

p/s: be careful kalo nak wat posting pasal 'pengawal keselamatan'(especially if ade pics) they're lurking around d cyber world skg tau..

Encik Luzzi said...

akiss - hehe, dia monitor the situation, takut apa2 jadi.

dickie - of course, muke die je plg ganas. hehe. btw thx for the advice.

LINA! said...

kalau diorg lurk around in cyberspace pon what's it to us? takkan guard uitm pon nak use their "power" on the internet as well?

university security guards are only responsible to uphold law and order IN THE CAMPUS ONLY. no where else. even outside the campus gates.

John Micheal Takie Lewis said...

tuh lah ezul
aku xteruja
boleh ja bantai tido dlm bilik
padahal kelas bukan ada pon
myb sbb kes report, kes askot sama kot

nadiah said...

whats with the pak guard? haha

Encik Luzzi said...

lolina - hehe, diorg kan nak jaga nama. biasala tu. ;p

takie - aku smpai skang heran dgn kes report tu. mental torchery kan? bila fikir balik, slamat je aku smpai part 5. xde pe pn.

nadiah - haha, die jage hakka, takut jadi wild. ;p

hans said...

aku xsempat tgok ari tu
tak tahu hakka bau macam mana rupa