Friday, November 07, 2014

no words.

morning, silence,
sky, glooms.

Here there is, two souls staring at each other unknowingly what each thoughts is.
She breaks the silence,

"How far will this go?"


.. no sounds.

She breaks the silence again,

"You know what my stand is"

with piercing stares, her eyes fills with uncertainties.


I always have answers and plans.

for once, at the moment, I didn't have the answers to the question. 

empty, thinking of decision that might affect my life.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

I never thought that my eyes will be given chance to see things that many people couldn't.

A chance to travel and widen my perspective.
2 months gone, and the memories seems closer yet distant.

Will i have the opportunity to experience this kind of trip again, I don't know.

but what I know, I am thanking god for every chance He gives me.

Saturday, September 06, 2014


Poor past, if manipulated rightly,

will be a strength for us to be better.

I've been doing it a few times, it's hurt getting back in time, remembering poor memories of mine.
but it helps, it reminds me of what I want to be,
what I want to achieve,

and what I want to prove.


One will experience miracles,
One will experience love,
and one will experience pain.

but to experience it all in a short span of time,
is simply quite hard.

It's a wonder how we can move, from loving one to another, in just over a few years.

Precious love should be appreciated,
if it is not, it is a love to forget.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

tinjau balik kenangan.

Mengenang balik masa lampau, dan kisah ramai mengenai Cameron Highlands.

Jika ada rezeki, aku ingin bermastautin di sini.

Itupun jika keadaan masih kekal seperti kini.

Monday, March 03, 2014

happy for a friend.

I met a friend last few weeks,

In our every meeting, for almost two years, this is her main topic of conversation.

"I'm worried, I have tried and met many guys, but nothing is working"

and, of course, on our every meeting, this is my replies,

"Insya Allah you will met a good man"

"Don't rush into things, try to cherish every moments when you met a man, even if it turns out to be bad"

She take the advice, and smiles.

though I can see it in her eyes, she didn't really take the advice into her hearts.

It's pitiful, she really wants it,
a life with real relationship,
where it ends with marriage.

and she wants it soon,
or I think now actually.

I helped her with ways I could,
giving her motivation that she needed,

After a few weeks,
she said she is getting married.

I'm happy.

Friday, February 28, 2014


5 tahun dahulu,
aku mula berjinak dengan lensa kamera.

DSLR D40x, jenama NIKON, itu sahaja yang aku mampu.
habis duit ptptn untuk semester tu.

Dengan lens standard, aku bereksperimen mencuba segala skill dan menduga kreativiti mengabadikan realiti.

Zaman teruja.

Kemana saja aku pergi pasti ada beg hitam besar tersandang di bahu.
Lepak di mamak, berjalan di shopping complex, aku bawa kemana saja,
mana lah tahu ada scenery cantik.

Mula-mula aku berseorangan, kemudian ramai pula yang berkongsi rutin sama.
bawa beg kamera besar sambil DSLR disangkut dileher.

dah jadi trend pula.

Aku pedulikan semua itu, hingga terdengar suara sumbang,

"poyo lah, bawa DSLR kemana-mana, setakat tahu guna AUTO saja, baik tak payah"

Aku terasa, bukan apa, aku juga jenis yang menyangkut DSLR di leher.

Tapi tidak pula aku gemar guna AUTO. MANUAL is the way.
Shutter, Aperture, ISO, white balance. Rutin aku masa tu.


Terus aku jarang membawa DSLR merata, termakan kutukan jahat.


Tapi kutukan itu ada betulnya juga, trend - maka ramai juga yang beli DSLR tanpa mempraktikkan kegunaan kamera itu sebetulnya.

Kalau tiada angin masakan pohon bergoyang.

2010, D40x menghembus nafas terakhir, berhenti berfungsi.

Aku pula kekurangan wang, student, terus aku kuburkan dahulu niat mahu baiki.
Simpan cita-cita mahu kembali beraksi suatu hari nanti.


Aku kembali.
Bukan DSLR, minat aku tidak setinggi dahulu.

cukuplah sekadar point and shoot FUJIFILM X20.

Aku tak tahu jika blog ini ada pembaca setia, atau jika ada yang membaca sekalipun.
Lebih-lebih selepas aku ubah URL blog ini, atas dasar untuk meluahkan rasa dengan lebih bebas.

dan lebih emotional sebenarnya.

tapi future post, expect pictures, pictures and pictures.

Jika kalian ikut aku sejak 2008, kalian pasti perasan bahawa blog ini berubah patternnya setiap kali.

Aku pernah floodkan blog ini dengan gambar.

dan dengan gambar aku akan banjirkan blog ini untuk post seterusnya.


Monday, February 24, 2014

stages ...

... of life.

Between teens and adulthood,
I just don't know which phase are better.

I love this phase now.
Given freedom to do anything,
and the ability to buy or do things I couldn't before.

I missed teenage years.
Not enough freedom, but less stress.
Couldn't buy and do many thing, but less responsibility.

is what made me miss me, 8 years ago.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

time to get serious.

To take the next step in life,
is not an easy decision to make.

Will I ever be ready?
Is she is the one?

Many things need to be consider,
Finance, Stability, Knowledge
most important, oneself.

I want to make the decision someday, after I'm well prepared - fully
I am a person who think a lot,
always thought of what are the consequences of each decision made.
I will move forward when I see fit.

Think, Think, Think, Plan..

but, I believe when I found the one, I will just make the decision right away.

Monday, January 20, 2014

bait berita.

Masa jatuh dahulu,
Aku putuskan terus segala bait berita dia yang selalu muncul di paparan utama laman sosial.

Hingga kini aku percaya itu adalah keputusan terbaik.
Paling terbaik untuk ubat luka dan minda.

Minda kembali tenang, luka sudah sembuh biarpun berparut,

Kini hadir cahaya, aku gembira.
Biarpun malap, tapi hati aku suka.

Hari ini, aku buka kembali bait berita yang aku putuskan dahulu.
Dengan harapan, untuk menjenguk khabar,
sihatkah? makin waraskah?

Terus minda aku jadi gila.
Gila kerana bait katanya yang langsung tidak berubah.

Mesejnya tajam, cuba untuk menunjukkan rasionaliti,
Namun bahasanya kejam, seperti hilang pedoman.
Setiap perkataan pantas membidas kenyataan entah siapa yang tidak seiring dengannya.


tapi dalam realiti, bukankah engkau pun begitu?

Terus aku terbayang suara kecil tinggi menyakitkan telinga.

Pantas aku tutup kembali bait berita dia.
Sebelum aku jadi gila.

Gila bukan kerana gilakan dia,
Takut penyakit gila berjangkit daripada dia.