Thursday, December 10, 2009

Movie Review - Paranormal Activity

I don't want to make much review about the movie, just to inform all of you who seeks for a different 'scary movie' to enjoy(?), this is just the right thing for you.

Note :

1. Watch it on your bedroom with the lights out, leave the door open and if possible ask a couple of friends to join you (but if you want to watch it alone, its okay)
2. Please, please focus on the movie and hold yourself from going anywhere since the movie have a very slow plot at the beginning
3.You will feel like you're watching a porn movie at the beginning.
4. Enjoy.

Extra note :

I went to my friend house to watch this movie together with them only to found myself caught in a minor accident. :)

Overall rating : 3/5


akiss. said...

no thanks. xnk buat no.1, 2 , 3.xnk tgk. penakot. hahaha.

tahniah for the result!

Jazli Safwan said...

crita ni menjadi pendebatan budak2 grafik umah aku..

Encik Luzzi said...

akiss - thank you. :)

jazli - aku faham knape ianya mnjadi pendebatan. smpai skrang certain scene aku masih mahu figure cmne ianya dibuat.

hans said...

jgn lupa datang umah sewa aku tahun depan bawa external yer

Jazli Safwan said...

masalahnya pendebatan tu debat pasal lain.
percaya yang film ni real.

aku dgn achas jer yang kaji balik scene2 dia.
last2 ada the making of dia kat astro.
kah kah kah.

Encik Luzzi said...

jazli - haha! kesian pd mreka yg percaye menda ni real.

RiRa said...

w/o the poster, the title of the movie itself sounds like a porn. lol

Room888 said...

ezul, nak. bg aku. nti aku dtg shah alam. or send me thru ym lah.

Encik Luzzi said...

pingu - ala. movie ni aku tgk thru my friend pnye cd. nnti dh ada soft copy aku gitau k.