Thursday, June 01, 2006


5 days ago my mother was..rushing packing her clothes after hearing that my grandmother is sick and taken to hospital for operation,after falling from stairs.Then..after 3 mother brought her to my house for a well rest and also we can help her if something unwanted happens.She looks pretty pale and really2..not like a grandmother i used to know before.Her eyes blurry,she cant talk properly.Walking?..lagila x ble.

And now this morning..My mom says..My grandmother were "susah-nk-bcakap".The only words came out from her mouth is "aaaa...aaaaaaa.".And then after a few minutes..she can properly talks again..but only a little.She really looks like very-sick-people now.And I only can hope that,she can regain her health..and get well pretty soon.Amin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kepada Allah kita datang, kepada Allah kita kembali. Im sorry to hear all that ezul. Tabahkanlah hatimu. Insya Allah.