It's a new experience for her, watching different people with different attitudes, problems and matters. I've been experiencing these kind of things for almost 7 years now. Working at cybercafe is not just sitting there and surfing blindly into the internet or playing games without giving attention to what's happening around. You need to take care of every customer who comes and eventually communicates with them using right method to make them feel comfortable. And of course, this, taught me many things about people. And you will see that there are people with different faces with common needs and ego. There are people who smiles, rush and some of them is totally egoistic. You need to face them with the fact that they're customers and your task is to please them with great service.My sister wrote this today,
" Wednesday, December 12, 2007
ia sedarkn aku.
Current mood:artistic
Category: LifeHari ini cc aku didatangi seorang makcik. Seperti biase aku melayan kerenah pelanggan yg datang. dia meminta untuk menfotostatkan sekeping sijil spm. diatas keputusan matapelajaran sijil itu aku terlihat akan kepingan kertas2 kecil. 'ape neh?' atas sebab terlalu ingin tahu aku bertanya kpd makcik tersebut. belum sempat lagi aku membuka mulot, makcik itu tersenyum. senyumannya pelik sekali. dia mnerangkan mngenai kertas2 itu yg sebenarnye mmg aku nk tahu dri awal. 'ni, makcik tampalkan dri borang asal' bru aku tsedar tu salinan asal borang spm tersebot. 'makcik nk tuka result anak makcik ni' aku terkejot mendenganyek. 'anak makcik x pandai la dek, ni nk mintak keje. malu la nk keje kalau result pon cm ni.' aku rase besala nk fotostatkan borang ni. berdose woo bsubahat. makcik tersebot kelihatan bersunggoh untuk melekatkan kepingan kertas tersebot. aku dihantuii rase bsala. kmudian dia mnyerahkan borang olok2 tu untok dicopy. aku tros mencopy borang tersebot. makcik tu btol2 berade disebela ku. sambel tu aku berbisik dlm hati 'asalla anak makcik neh bengap sgt, soh blaja tanak blaja. sian kt makcik neh.' pas da siap copy sijil tu, makcik tu mengelaba simpan dalam sampul surat. die memberi wang untok dibaya. aku rase besalaaanyee tlg makcik tuu! dlm hati da sumpah mnyumpah makcik tu. uishh! mesti makcik neh jahat. astagaaa~ disaat aku menerime wang yg diberi, makcik tu berkata ' adek nmpak mude, umor brape ni?' aku xpandang pn muke makcik tu. apelagi nk ucap tenkiu. 'saye 15 taun' makcik tu x bla pon lagi. aku pn tros la surf internet, wat2 lpe la makcik tu. 'adek mesti pandai, jge diri ye, jgn jdi cm anak makcik ni. blaja la pepandai.' aku yg tga galak menaip laman web , terhenti seketika. aku memandang makcik tesebot. makcik tu maseh sedang kelamkabut memasukkn dokumen2 dlm samput surat. dokumen anaknye kot. seketike aku mneke2 ape la yg da anak makcik neh buat smpai gagal spm. rempit? tido dlm kelas? menderhaka? ponteng skola? mrokok? makcik tu berpelo2. aku teringt kt mak. klau la aku gagal. mungkin mak aku jd cm ni. aku tengok lgek makcik tu. mmg nmpak kecewe sgt. aku mengalihkan pandangan kt monitor blek. munkin ke anak makcik tu bercinta smpai lupe segalenye? makcik tu da pegi da . aku teringt kate2 makcik tu. huaaa. so blajala pepandai. "
When I come to UiTM and learn about communication, I realize that all those 7 years of meeting people is written blindly on the book. I imagine some of my customer who acts differently and refers them to some terms on the book, and it works.
Experience and knowledge needs to blend together and we really need those to fulfill our ambitions and self-needs.
ouhh.. harap2 adik ko sedar..
aku suka cara dia tulis. wow. mintak2 kita takkan jadi macam tu kan. STUDY HARRRRRRRRD!!
i learn lotsa things from this entry of urs.
- betol ckp makcik tue, blaja rerajin.
- kalau bjaye, x payah la susahkan mak ayah menipu sane sini smata-mata utk bg kita dpt kije.
- lantai simen banyak, conteng je situ. xpayah conteng arang ke muka mak ayah.
- smentara masih muda, blajar!!!!
yeah, life's hard, so kene plan well supaye x nyusahkan our loves ones. :)
i baru jaga cc for 3 years. but before this, involve with business since 12, it improve my communication skills and my view toward people. kan ezul? :)
yeap2. and if u keep going that occupation, maybe u will see some difference like.
dlu bdak ni slalu dtg cc main game with friends, then lame2 kite tgk die grows and changes. :)
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