Me : yes, aku ambil masscomm.
Insan X : boleh dapat kerja ke? ada banyak lagi kan course yang bagus?
Somehow most people whom I know and met, give the very same thought about the course I'm taking, either directly or indirectly.
Why can't I get a job? If I work hard enough, I'm sure that I can get any job that I want. It's up to individual to think for themselves what's good for them. I've think long enough before I enter this course. The 'tiada kerja dillemma', hard work, people stereotypical views and more.Last failure taught me to be true to myself. Taught me to pursue the path that I love and abandoned what other people taught was good for me.
"mende ni ko nak tatap sampai berpuluh tahun, takkan kau nak tatap menda yang kau tak suka?"
I've followed other people path before I decide to follow my own. The science class and the engineering course(yes, I'm an engineering student for one semester, how does that sound?) but somehow, it led me to a failure which cause a big frustration for me.
"Dan memang la susah nak dapat kerja,dah result kau macam haram and time interview kau tak nampak bersungguh-sungguh, siape nak hired kan?"
but, I really wish that the upcoming future won't so harsh to me. amin.
Let's pray for all success everyone.
but, I really wish that the upcoming future won't so harsh to me. amin.
Let's pray for all success everyone.
apa2 yang kite ambil, boleh je dapat keje.
cuma, antara NAK ke TAKNAK?
mungkin sedikit memilih. tapi standard la, sure la kite ada career flow kan? naik pangkat ke, apa ke. mula dari peringkat paling bawah dapat timbe pengalaman yang paling berharga!
sbb kita tau susa payah dia.
gogogo ezul iswhat? hehe
yang tidak benar,
Aliya Tak boleh!
Insan X : boleh dapat kerja ke? ada banyak lagi kan course yang bagus?
Hans : pergi mati lah ko...peduli la aku nak masuk course apa pun...
hahaha....sibuk jer ker itu insan X...kira macam tu tak masuk U la aku...dari nak belajaq sampai nak keja pun memilih...
rezeki semua masing2 kan...kerja itu insyallah mana2 leh dapat...
kimsalam dkt itu insan X...
p/s: mahu bom itu insan x...agagaggagaga(gelak puaka niyang rapik)
aku setuju sgt.
bg aku semua bidang ada keja.
dh semua nk keja yg glamer2
plus semua nk keja goverment ja
that y xda keja
menci aku org under estimate meskom
aliya - agree, mane2 pn bole dpt keje, cme minat atau x minat je :)
hans - aku akan kirim salam. insya allah. sediakan bom cpat haha.
takie - um, kalau aku nk amek broadcast sng x dpt keje?
cendol - aku benci juger.
Let's pray for all success everyone.
insan x: nah adiah.. (extending my middle finger.. haha)
broadcast..aku rasa ko mana2 bidang leh hidup..masuk broadcast best tapi aku tak pakar pun guna benda2 macam ko rakam wat film tu..xder sapa nak ajar...ko untg ada member sama minat macam ko..tukar jasad kejap nak tak?hahaha
gila syirik
ezul kawan aku lah cakap
dia dh grad degree broadcasting.
dia kata masscomm neh untung sket. semua boleh keja. walaupon ang amik pr ke, kalo ang mcm berbakat, leh keja broadcasting juga. and sebaliknya.
tp aku xtau lah betul ke x.
aku rasa ada byk keja kot.
asalkan kita xmemilih sgt.
in what course ape2x pown , if you all dapat 3.5 above senang nak dapat keje.. but if dapat less than 3.5 susah nak dapat keje~
think that~
then, you all kena pandai mempengaruhi orang + banyak hujah yang x mengarut~
dats it!
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